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CV: Sten Mäses
Ended in 2018 CyberSpike to Best Practices in Education Award 2018. The Award will be presented at the 14th European Computer Science Summit, in Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-10 October 2018
TTÜ IT ained sten mäses ttü
Sten Mäses. TalTech University. Verified email at - Homepage. serious games cybersecurity human factor of information security gamification. Articles Cited by Co-authors. Title Cited by Year; Obtaining better metrics for complex …
PhD students < Department < Department of Software Science
Tallinn University of Technology, the only technological university in Estonia, is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education.
PhD students < Department < Department of Software Science
TalTechi koolituste eelised: Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis on erialane kompetents ja professionaalsed õppejõud – tagamaks koolituse kõrget taset, viivad kursuseid läbi oma ala spetsialistid nii TTÜst kui ka mujalt Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli koolitused on tulemusele orienteeritud praktilised täienduskoolitused – õppimise käigus rakendatakse koheselt uusi omandatud teadmisi
CV: Liina Randmann sten mäses ttü
TalTechi koolituste eelised: Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis on erialane kompetents ja professionaalsed õppejõud – tagamaks koolituse kõrget taset, viivad kursuseid läbi oma ala spetsialistid nii TTÜst kui ka mujalt Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli koolitused on tulemusele orienteeritud praktilised täienduskoolitused – õppimise käigus rakendatakse koheselt uusi omandatud teadmisi
Avaleht < 2018 < IKT lõputööde konkurss < Projektid sten mäses ttü
Veebipõhiste testidega seotud ründed ja tulemuste rikkumatuse tagamine TTÜ sisseastumistesti näitel. Attacks regarding online tests and ensuring the integrity of results based on the example of TTÜ
Home < 2018 < ICT thesis contest < Projects < Tallinn
Abstract. Cybersecurity exercises have become increasingly popular for training and assessing practical skills of information security. Nevertheless, the main focus of those exercises still tends to be on achieving completion or winning condition, not on understanding the individual skill set of each participant.
Sten Mäses - Google Scholar Citations
Sellelt lehelt leiad mõned informaatika õppekava ained. Kursustega tutvumiseks tuleb sisse logida. Kasutajanimi on tudengi UNI-ID millele järgneb domeeninimi kujul (näiteks Parool on sama, millega arvutiklassi arvutitesse sisse saab logida. Kui sul veel parooli pole ja/või UNI-ID väärtust ei tea, mine, logi sisse ID-kaardiga ja loo endale
Sille Laks | Estonian Cyber Security News Aggregator sten mäses ttü
Tallinn University of Technology, the only technological university in Estonia, is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education.
Veebipõhiste testidega seotud ründed ja tulemuste
Tallinn University of Technology, the only technological university in Estonia, is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education.
TTÜ IT ained
ICT thesis contest 2018 will take place on the 15th of June in TTÜ Mektory June 15, agenda. The competition takes place for the sixth time, including all the School of IT specialities. ICT thesis competition scholarship fund is 4300€. The scholarship fund is co-financed by Study IT in Estonia Programme. Each category winner is awarded with a scholarship of 500€ (exception is the BSc* level …