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GRADUATION CEREMONIES IN JUNE - Changes to your contact details, please inform the personnel department at TUT: pp at taltech dot ee. Education Bachelors and Masters Studies Doctoral Studies Admission New & Current Student Academic Calendar Research Objectives Financing Open positions Annual Reports

Tudengile < Inseneriteaduskond -

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Home; Studies Graduation information spring 2019 and thesis guide Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Phone: +372 620 3260 Email: kristo dot karjust at taltech dot ee. Prof. Martin Eerme (Tallinn University of …

Kodulehekülg -

TalTechi koolituste eelised: Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis on erialane kompetents ja professionaalsed õppejõud – tagamaks koolituse kõrget taset, viivad kursuseid läbi oma ala spetsialistid nii TTÜst kui ka mujalt Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli koolitused on tulemusele orienteeritud praktilised täienduskoolitused – õppimise käigus rakendatakse koheselt uusi omandatud teadmisi

TUT doctoral thesis: the biggest obstacle in - martin eerme ttu

Tahk, Ott; Eerme, Martin // 06.06.2019 USA kaitsetööstusettevõtete finantsaruannete võrdlusanalüüs Lockheed Martin Corporationi ja Northrop Grumman Corporationi näitel aastatel 2015–2017. Comparative analysis of the financial statements of U.S. defense companies based on Lockheed Martin Corporation and Northrop Grumman Corporation

Doctor of Philosophy - ResearchGate

martin dot eerme at ttu dot ee Programme director (Product development and robotics)

Martin Eermes research works | Tallinn University of martin eerme ttu

A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text.

Visualization of strain distribution around the edges of a

Martin Eerme Vello Reedik The proposed paper is focused on the problems of reducing losses of resources at the start-up of new automated factories caused by …

Doctor of Philosophy, Tallinn University of Technology, 2006

Martin Eerme The study focuses on the design of a car frontal protection system using response surface modelling and a genetic algorithm. The main attention was paid to optimal design of brackets.

Töötaja otsing < Tallinna Tehnikaülikool - Sinu elustiil!

Martin Eerme The study focuses on the design of a car frontal protection system using response surface modelling and a genetic algorithm. The main attention was paid to optimal design of brackets.

Visualization of strain distribution around the edges of a

6. Madis Kollo Expert system of feedwater tanks Martin Eerme 7. Erko Õunapuu Glass as structural material and its flexural strength Martin Eerme 8. Heigo Raamat Tractor snow plow Meiren Engineering OÜ Martin Eerme 9. Marti Arak The designing of trailerboat through stress and


TalTechi koolituste eelised: Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis on erialane kompetents ja professionaalsed õppejõud – tagamaks koolituse kõrget taset, viivad kursuseid läbi oma ala spetsialistid nii TTÜst kui ka mujalt Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli koolitused on tulemusele orienteeritud praktilised täienduskoolitused – õppimise käigus rakendatakse koheselt uusi omandatud teadmisi

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering -

The number of lamina layers in the laminate is 16. The thickness of the laminate is 3.5 mm. Host material was tested for in-plane properties only. Tensile testing was conducted according to ISO 527-4, shear testing according to ASTM D3518 and compression testing according to ASTM 6641.

Martin Eerme | Ph.D | Tallinn University of Technology

The supervisors of the doctoral thesis were Professor Emeritus Vello Reedik and Professor Martin Eerme (TUT). The opponents were Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Leibl ( Munich University of Applied Sciences), Professor Emeritus Veijo Kauppinen (Aalto University) and Tanel Telliskivi, PhD ( Eesti Energia Technology Industries).

Personnel search < Tallinn University of Technology -

Martin Simon, Masters Diploma, 2018, (sup) Martin Eerme, Design and aerodynamic optimization of a fixed-wing drone with brain-computer interface, Tallinn University of Technology School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

CV: Martin Eerme

Martin Simon, magistrikraad, 2018, (juh) Martin Eerme, Design and aerodynamic optimization of a fixed-wing drone with brain-computer interface (Aju-arvuti liidesega fikseeritud tiibadega õhusõiduki projekteerimine ja kere aerodünaamiline optimeerimine), Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Inseneriteaduskond, Mehaanika ja tööstustehnika instituut.