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C/o address

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meaning - What does c/o stand for in a postal address How to Address an Envelope in Care of Someone Else
3 Easy Ways to Address an Envelope in Care of Someone Else c/o address "C/o" stands for "care of.". It is an abbreviation used to send correspondence to a specific person when he is not likely to be there. This is especially useful for sending things to a work address or to people who can only be contacted by a third party. Keep Learning.
care of - Wiktionary c/o address Definition of c/o c/o You write c / o before an address on an envelope when you are sending it to someone who is staying or working at that address, often for only a short time.
How to Use "Care of" or C/O in an Address - CardsDirect Blog uk ​ /ˌsiːˈəʊ/ us ​ /ˌsiːˈoʊ/. › abbreviation for care of: used in addresses when the person you are writing to is staying at someone elses home: Sylvia Mendez, c/o Ann Smith, 12 Glastonbury Lane, Bickerton.
How to Write Address Labels in C/O | Bizfluent c/o address Hi, Im trying to add a shipping address with a c/o, or "care of" recipiant name. Normally, I know that this kind of address should be formatted with the primary recipiants name on the top line, followed by c/o & the care of recipiants name on the second line, the street address on the third line, the city, state & zip code on the fourth line, the country on the fifth line, & the phone
what does c/o mean in an address? | Yahoo Answers c/o address c/o here stands for care of. The letter is to be delivered and entrusted to the care of John Doe, who will be responsible for seeing that it gets to Joe Black. The letter is to be delivered and entrusted to the care of John Doe, who will be responsible for seeing that it gets to Joe Black.
Using C/O In A Letter? - ENGLISH FORUMS On the next line, write "C/O" and the full name of a person who is a primary resident at the mailing address, or write the name of the business or entity at the location. Add the street number and street name on the next line.
How to Use "Care of" or C/O in an Address - CardsDirect Blog Use our sample Sample Envelope in Care of Someone Else. Read it or download it for free. Free help from wikiHow.
What Does "c/o" Stand For? | Definition of c/o: Care of. An abbreviation that is used to direct correspondence to a particular place. It is typically used for an addressee who is not at the usual place where he or she would receive
"Care of" (c/o) shipping addresses? - The eBay Community Sometimes when for some reason you have to give friends an address to receive mails, you write something like: Joe Black c/o John Doe xxx ZZZ street town etc What does c/o mean in this a
What is the proper use of care of (c/o) in an address c/o address Use the phrase c/o, or care of, to address a letter sent in the care of another person. Write the recipients name on the first line, then write c/o and the name of the person who is responsible for conveying that letter to the recipient on the second line.
meaning - What does c/o stand for in a postal address c/o eller ℅ (från engelska ”care of”), är ett tillägg till adressen på ett brev, eller en annan postförsändelse, som anger att brevet för adressatens räkning skall tas om hand om en annan än denne. Typiska användningsfall är till exempel när post skall gå till en god man i stället för till dennes huvudman.
How to Format an Address With C/O | Synonym Yes, C/O is the symbol for the phrase. Care of. For instance you might send a letter to JOHN SMITH Care of Sally Smith Sally Smith would be the owner or main occupant of the address. This usually happens if someone moves a lot or is a minor or maybe is the son or daughter of the main person at the address.